Sunday, April 13, 2008

Bainbridge Island - First boat trip of 2008

Well, this weekend kicked off 2008 Boating for the Morgans. We stayed on the boat on Thursday night and I (Cae) got up on Friday and walked the 4 miles into the city to go to work. Meanwhile Bob, who was working from home, headed over to Bainbridge Island at about 6:30am with the pups.

Along with a new house, we have a new family member, Helly. She is a Min Pin like Coop and is just about 7 months old now. She seems to really like the boat so far, thank goodness! Her only bad habit is that she can't seem to figure out it isn't cool to hop onto the dining table and from there to the kitchen cabinets. I guess that is what Lysol was made for. Anyway, she's adjusted well to the boat and we think she'll be pretty easy to deal with.

So, after work I walked down to the ferry dock and caught the 4:40 over to meet Bob and the pups. The weather was great! We bought some groceries for dinner and grilled out on the boat. Saturday morning we awoke to glorious sunshine! Finally! It was about 75 degrees and absolutely beautiful. We decided to walk into town after having lunch at the Public House restaurant and wandered into an Art Gallery. The artist came by and we found out his name was Yuri something and it was his first trip to the United States. Every time he visits a new city, he buys a map and attaches it to a canvas. He then paints his impressions of the city over it. Bob and I really loved this painting, but unfortunately it was $4,800. Not in the budget these days. Anyway, it was really cool. We also met a director, whose name I promptly forgot, who apparently was a fairly big wig guy in Hollywood. Pretty cool. We wandered back to the boat and spent the afternoon reading.

Sunday morning, we awoke to 40 something degrees and drizzle. Weird. Yesterday, 75, today 45. Oh well. We lazed around during the morning and made it home around 4:00pm. Overall, it was a nice weekend and a great kick off to the boating season.